
The Python SDK is a convenient wrapper to communicate with the SeeMe.ai API and gives easy access to all of your datasets, models, jobs, … on the platform.

This document provides a detailed overview of all the methods and their parameters.

Get Started


Install the SDK from the command line:

pip install --upgrade seeme

or in your Jupyter notebook:

!pip install --upgrade seeme

Verify the version you installed:

import seeme

Create a client

A client lets you to interact with the SeeMe.ai API, allowing you to manage models, datasets, predictions and jobs.

from seeme import Client
client = Client()
usernameNoThe username for the account.
apikeyNoThe API key for the username.
backendNoThe backend the client communicates with. Default value https://api.seeme.ai/api/v1
env_fileNoThe .env file containing the username, apikey, and backend (see below). Default: “.env”


Register a new user:

my_username  = "my_username"
my_email     = "my_email@mydomain.com"
my_password  = "supersecurepassword"
my_firstname = "firstname"
my_name      = "last name"
    username = my_username, 

Log in

Username / password

Use your username and password to log in:

username = ""
password = ""

client.login(username, password)

Username / apikey

If you have a username and apikey, you can create a client that is ready to go:

my_username = ""
my_apikey = ""

client = Client(username=my_username, apikey=my_apikey)

.env file

Log in using and .env file:

client = Client(env_file=".my_env_file")

The .env file should be located where the client is created and contain the following values:

SEEME_USERNAMEYesusername for the account you want to use
SEEME_APIKEYYesAPI key for the username you want user
SEEME_BACKENDYesbackend the client communicates with, usually: https://api.seeme.ai/api/v1

Log out



Custom backend

If you are running your own SeeMe.ai deployment, you can pass in the url you want the SeeMe.ai client to communicate with:

alternative_url = "http://seeme.yourdomain.com/api/v1"

client = Client(backend=alternative_url)


Get all models

Get a list of all models you have access to.

models = client.get_models()

These models are divided in three groups:

  • public: models that are available to everyone;
  • owned: models you created;
  • shared: models that are shared privately with you.

Public models

Public models are provided by SeeMe.ai or other users.

public_models = [model for model in models if model["public"]]

Your own models

A list of the models you created:

own_models = [ model for model in models if model["user_id"] == client.user_id]

Shared models

A list of models that others have shared with you in private.

shared_with_me = [model for model in models if model["shared_with_me"]]

Create a model

application_id = client.get_application_id("pytorch", "fastai", "2.0.1", "2.7.12" )
my_model = {
    "name": "Cats and dogs",
    "description": "Recognize cats and dogs in pictures.",
    "privacy_enabled": False,
    "auto_convert": True,
    "application_id": application_id

my_model = client.create_model(my_model)

Every model has the following properties:

    'id': '22791060-71f5-4e71-935e-28b52ef4c047',
     'created_at': '2021-10-28T08:49:06.698391719Z',
     'updated_at': '2021-10-28T08:49:06.698391719Z',
     'name': 'Cats and dogs',
     'description': 'Recognize cats and dogs in pictures.',
     'active_version_id': 'fc92b1fe-2ee0-4d99-9a09-0a37d0c68ea1',
     'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
     'can_inference': False,
     'kind': '',
     'has_logo': False,
     'logo': '',
     'public': False,
     'config': '',
     'application_id': '',
     'has_ml_model': False,
     'has_onnx_model': False,
     'has_tflite_model': False,
     'has_labels_file': False,
     'shared_with_me': False,
     'auto_convert': True,
     'privacy_enabled': False

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the model
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe model name
descriptionThe model description
accuracyThe model accuracy (deprecated)
user_idThe user id of the model creator
can_inferenceFlag indicating whether the model can make predictions or not
kindType of AI model, possible values: “image_classification”, “object_detection”, “text_classification”, “structured”, “language_model”
has_logoFlag indicating whether the model has a logo or not
logoName and extension of the logo file (mostly for internal purpose)
publicFlag indicating whether the model is public or not
configAdditional config stored in a JSON string
active_version_idThe id of the current model version (see versions below)
application_idThe application id (see applications)
has_ml_modelFlag indicating whether the model has a Core ML model
has_onnx_modelFlag indicating whether the model has an ONNX model
has_tflite_modelFlag indicating whether the model has a Tensorflow Lite model
has_labels_fileFlag indicating whether a file will all the labels (classes) is available
shared_with_meFlag indicating whether the model has been shared with you
auto_convertFlag indicating whether the model will be automatically converted to the supported model formats (see applications). Default value: True.
privacy_enabledFlag indicating whether privacy is enabled. If set to ‘True’, no inputs (images, text files, …) will be stored on the server, or the mobile/edge device. Default value: False.

Get a model

Use the model id to get all the metadata of the model:

model_idUnique id for the model

Update a model

Update any property of the model:

my_model = client.get_model(my_model["id"])
my_model["description"] = "Updated for documentation purposes"

modelThe entire model object

Delete a model

Delete a model using its id.

modelThe entire model object

Upload a model file

You can upload the model file by calling the upload_model. Make sure the application_id is set to the desired AI application, framework, and version.

my_model = client.upload_model(my_model["id"], folder="directory/to/model", filename="your_exported_model_file.pkl")
model_idUnique id for the model
folderName of the folder that contains the model file (without trailing ‘/’), default value “data”
filenameName of the file to be uploaded, default value “export.pkl”

This returns an updated my_model, where if successful the can_inference should now be set to True.

If auto_convert is enabled and depending on the used application_id (see Applications below), the model will have updated values for has_ml_model, has_tflite_model, has_onnx_model, has_labels_file.

Download model file(s)

Download the file(s) associated with the current active (production) model.

client.download_active_model(my_model, asset_type="pkl", download_folder=".")
modelThe entire model object
asset_typeThe model type you want to download. Default: pkl; Possible values: mlmodel, tflite, onnx, onnx_int8, names, labels, weights, cfg.
download_folderThe folder where you would like to download the model. Default: . (i.e. current directory)

If the asset_type exists, the model file will be downloaded to my_model["active_model_id"].{asset_type}. One exception, the labels file will receive a .txt extension.

If you want to download a specific model version, have a look at Download a model version

Make a prediction

result = client.predict(model_id, item, input_type="image_classification")
model_idUnique id for the model
itemThe item you wish to make a prediction on:
For “image_classification” and “object_detection” specify the full file location (including directory).
For “text_classification” or “ner” pass in the string you would like to predict.
For “structured” pass in a JSON dump of the JSON object you want to use for your prediction.
For “language_model” pass in the initial prompt to generate text.
input_typeThe type of prediction you want to make.
Default value: image_classification;
Possible values: image_classification, object_detection, text_classification, structured, ner, ocr, language_model.

Image classification

On an image classification model:

item = "path/to/file.png"

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item)

An example reply for a prediction:

    'id': '891ed37a-fe77-415c-a4ab-3764e68aaa40',
    'created_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.277236872Z',
    'update_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.563600762Z',
    'name': 'file.jpg',
    'description': '',
    'prediction': 'cats', // deprecated
    'confidence': 0.9846015, // deprecated
    'model_id': '56086c08-c552-4159-aafa-ac4b25a64fda',
    'model_version_id': '1a38b7ab-070f-4686-9a47-4ba7a76a5168',
    'extension': 'jpg',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'error_reported': False,
    'error': '',
    'application_id': 'b4b9aaf0-cb37-4629-8f9b-8877aeb09a53',
    'inference_host': 'image-pt-1-8-1-fa-2-3-1',
    'inference_time': '284.418389ms',
    'end_to_end_time': '',
    'dataset_item_id': '',
    'result': '',
    'inference_items': [
            'id': '12b1fa20-9fa0-4ea2-86ee-038484ae91ab',
            'prediction': 'cats',
            'confidence': '0.9846015',
            'inference_id': '891ed37a-fe77-415c-a4ab-3764e68aaa40',
            'coordinates': '',
            'created_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.277236872Z',
            'update_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.563600762Z'
    'hidden': False,
    'privacy_enabled': False

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the model
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameStores the input value/filename. For “image_classification” and “object_detection” the original filename; For ’text_classification" and “structured” the actual text/structured input.
descriptionAdditional info. (Optional)
predictionThe prediction (deprecated: see inference_items)
confidenceThe prediction confidence (deprecated: see inference_items)
model_idThe id of the model the prediction was made on.
model_version_idThe id of the model_version the prediction was made on (see ‘Model Versions’ below.
extensionThe extension of the predicted image, in case of “image_classification” and “object_detection”
user_idThe id of the user that requested the prediction
error_reportedFlag indicating whether a user has reported the prediction is/might be wrong.
errorContains the error if something went wrong.
application_idThe application_id used to make the prediction.
inference_hostThe name of the inference engine used to make the prediction.
inference_timeThe time it took to make the prediction.
end_to_end_timeInference time including upload and return (if relevant)
dataset_item_idThe id of the dataset_item that was used for the prediction. Used to evaluate datasets (see Datasets below)
ResultA string version of the object detection prediction (deprecated).
inference_itemsA list of individual predictions (see below).
hiddenFlag indicating whether this prediction has been hidden in the Data Engine.
privacy_enabledFlag indicating whether this prediction was made when the model was in privacy_enabled mode.

Inference Item properties

idUnique id for the model
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
predictionThe prediction
confidenceThe prediction confidence
inference_idThe id of the inference the item belongs to
coordinatesThe coordinates for the prediction when using object_detection or ner.

Object detection

On an object detection model:

item = "path/to/file.png"

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item, input_type="object_detection")

Text classification

On a text classification model:

item = "The text you want to classify."

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item, input_type="text_classification")

Named entity recognition

On a text named entity recognition model:

item = "The text where I want to extract information out of."

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item, input_type="ner")

Language model

On a language model:

item = "The story of AI language models is"

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item, input_type="langauge_model")


On a structured/tabular data model:

import json

inputs = {
    "temperature": "30",
    "day": "Tuesday"

item = json.dumps(inputs)

result = client.predict(my_model["id"], item, input_type="structured")

Upload model logo

my_model = client.upload_logo(my_model["id"], folder="directory/to/logo", filename="logo_filename.jpg")
model_idUnique id for the model
folderName of the folder that contains the logo file (without trailing ‘/’), default value “data”
filenameName of the file to be uploaded, default value “logo.jpg”. Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, png.

Download model logo

modelThe entire model object

Model Versions

An AI Model has one or multiple versions associated with it:

  • the current live version
  • previous versions
  • future versions

Get all model versions

Get a list of all versions for a specific model.

versions = client.get_model_versions(my_model["id"])
model_idThe model id

Create a model version

new_version = {
    "name": "A higher accuracy achieved",
    "application_id": "b4b9aaf0-cb37-4629-8f9b-8877aeb09a53"

new_version = client.create_model_version(my_model["id"], new_version)
model_idThe model id
versionThe model version object

Every model version has the following properties. Note that these are partially similar to the model properties:

    'id': '53535e2f-4b36-4235-b8d6-ed87a5d2f323',
    'created_at': '2021-10-29T14:16:46.603463402Z',
    'update_at': '2021-10-29T14:16:46.603463402Z',
    'name': 'A higher accuracy achieved',
    'description': '',
    'model_id': '22791060-71f5-4e71-935e-28b52ef4c047',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'can_inference': False,
    'has_logo': False,
    'logo': '',
    'config': '',
    'application_id': '878aea66-16b7-4f10-9d82-a2a92a35728a',
    'version': '',
    'version_number': 4,
    'has_ml_model': False,
    'has_onnx_model': False,
    'has_tflite_model': False,
    'has_labels_file': False,
    'dataset_version_id': '',
    'job_id': ''

Properties in more detail.

Shared with the model entity:

idUnique id for the model version
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe model version name
descriptionThe model version description
accuracyThe model version accuracy
user_idThe user id of the model version creator
can_inferenceFlag indicating whether the model version can make predictios or not
has_logoFlag indicating whether the model has a logo or not (not used for now)
logoName and extension of the logo file (mostly for internal purpose)
configAdditional config stored in a JSON string
application_idThe application ID (see applications below)
has_ml_modelFlag indicating whether the model has a Core ML model
has_onnx_modelFlag indicating whether the model has an ONNX model
has_tflite_modelFlag indicating whether the model has a Tensorflow Lite model
has_labels_fileFlag indicating whether a file will all the labels (classes) is available

Different from the model entity.

model_idThe id of the model this version belongs to.
versionThe label of the version
version_numberAutomatically incrementing number of the version.
dataset_version_idThe id of the dataset version this model version was trained on.
job_idThe id of the job used to build this model version.

Get model version

Use the model and version id to get the full model version:

model_version = client.get_model_version(my_model["id"], new_version["id"])
model_idThe model id
version_idThe model version id

Update model version

Update any property of the model version:

model_version["description"] = "SOTA comes and goes, but versions are forever!"

model versionThe entire model version object

Upload model file for a version

Upload a model file (or model files) for a new version of your AI model.

Make sure the application_id is set to the desired AI application, framework, and version.

client.upload_model_version(new_version, folder="directory/to/model", filename="your_exported_model_file_v2.pkl")
versionThe entire model version object
folderName of the folder that contains the model file (without trailing ‘/’), default value “data”
filenameName of the file to be uploaded, default value “export.pkl”

Download a model version

client.download_model(my_version, asset_type="pkl", download_folder="data")
versionThe entire model version object
asset_typeThe model type you want to download. Default: pkl; Possible values: pkl, mlmodel, tflite, onnx, names, labels
download_folderThe folder where you would like to download the model. Default: . (i.e. current directory)

If the asset_type exists, the model file will be downloaded to my_model["active_model_id"].{asset_type}. One exception, the labels file will receive a .txt extension.

# or interchangeable with client.download_model:
client.download_model_version(my_version, asset_type="pkl", download_folder="data")
client.download_version(my_version, asset_type="pkl")

Make a prediction on this version

client.version_inference(model_version_id, item, input_type="image_classification")
model_version_idUnique id for the model version
itemThe item you wish to make a prediction on:
For “image_classification” and “object_detection” specify the full file location (including directory).
For “text_classification” pass in the string you would like to predict.
For “structured” pass in a JSON dump of the JSON object you want to use for your prediction.
input_typeThe type of prediction you want to make.
Default value: “image_classification”;
Possible values: “image_classification”, “object_detection”, “text_classification”, “structured”.
# or interchangeable with client.version_inference():
client.version_predict(model_version_id, item, input_type="image_classification")

Image classification

On an image classification model version:

item = "path/to/file.png"

result = client.version_inference(new_version["id"], item)

Object detection

On an object detection model version:

item = "path/to/file.png"

result = client.version_inference(new_version["id"], item, input_type="object_detection")

Text classification

On a text classification model version:

item = "The text you want to classify."

result = client.version_inference(new_version["id"], item, input_type="text_classification")


On a strctured/tabular data model version:

import json

inputs = {
    "temperature": "30",
    "day": "Tuesday"

item = json.dumps(inputs)

result = client.version_inference(my_model["id"], item, input_type="structured")

An example reply for a prediction:

    'id': '891ed37a-fe77-415c-a4ab-3764e68aaa40',
    'created_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.277236872Z',
    'update_at': '2021-10-28T12:33:17.563600762Z',d
    'name': '10789.jpg',
    'description': '',
    'prediction': 'cats',
    'confidence': 0.9846015,
    'model_id': '56086c08-c552-4159-aafa-ac4b25a64fda',
    'model_version_id': '1a38b7ab-070f-4686-9a47-4ba7a76a5168',
    'extension': 'jpg',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'error_reported': False,
    'error': '',
    'application_id': 'b4b9aaf0-cb37-4629-8f9b-8877aeb09a53',
    'inference_host': 'image-pt-1-8-1-fa-2-3-1',
    'inference_time': '284.418389ms',
    'end_to_end_time': '',
    'dataset_item_id': '',
    'result': '',
    'inference_items': None,
    'hidden': False,
    'privacy_enabled': False

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the model
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameStores the input. For “image_classification” and “object_detection” the original filename; For ’text_classification" and “structured” the actual text/structured input.
descriptionAdditional info. (Optional)
predictionThe model prediction or value
confidenceThe prediction confidence
model_idThe id of the model the prediction was made on.
model_version_idThe id of the model_version the prediction was made on (see ‘Model Versions’ below.
extensionThe extension of the predicted image, in case of “image_classification” and “object_detection”
user_idThe id of the user that requested the prediction
error_reportedFlag indicating whether a user has reported the prediction is/might be wrong.
errorContains the error if something went wrong.
application_idThe application_id used to make the prediction.
inference_hostThe name of the inference engine used to make the prediction.
inference_timeThe time it took to make the prediction.
end_to_end_timeInference time including upload and return (if relevant)
dataset_item_idThe id of the dataset_item that was used for the prediction. Used to evaluate datasets (see Datasets below)
ResultA string version of the object detection prediction (legacy).
inference_itemsA list of individual predictions, when using “object_detection”.
hiddenFlag indicating whether this prediction has been hidden in the Data Engine (TODO: link to Data Engine docs)
privacy_enabledFlag indicating whether this prediction was made when the model was in privacy_enabled mode.

Delete model version

Delete a model version:

client.delete_model_version(my_model["id"], new_version["id"])
model_idThe model id
version_idThe model version id


Get all datasets

Get a list of all your datasets:

datasets = client.get_datasets()

The get_datasets() method does not take any parameters.

Create a dataset


my_dataset = {
    "name": "Cats & dogs dataset",
    "description": "A dataset with labelled images of cats and dogs.",
    "multi_label": False,
    "notes": "Cats and dogs is often used as a demo dataset.",
    "default_splits": True,

my_dataset = client.create_dataset(my_dataset)
datasetThe entire dataset object

Every dataset has the following properties:

    'id': '2bb8b9c1-c027-44c2-b438-6d50911964bd',
    'created_at': '2021-11-02T10:52:56.386712086Z',
    'update_at': '2021-11-02T10:52:56.386712086Z',
    'deleted_at': None,
    'name': 'Cats & dogs dataset',
    'description': 'A dataset with labelled images of cats and dogs.',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'notes': 'Cats and dogs is often used as a demo dataset.',
    'versions': [],
    'multi_label': False,
    'default_splits': True,
    'has_logo': False,
    'logo': '',
    'content_type': 'images'

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the dataset
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe dataset name
descriptionThe dataset description
user_idThe unique id of the dataset creator
notesMore elaborate notes about the dataset
versionsA list of all the version of the dataset (see below)
multi_labelFlag indicating whether tiems can have multiple labels
default_splitsCreate default splits (“train”, “valid”, “test”) when creating the dataset.
has_logoFlag indicating whether the dataset has a logo or not
logoName and extension of the logo file (mostly for internal purpose)

Get dataset

my_dataset = client.get_dataset(my_dataset["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id

Update dataset

my_dataset["notes"] += "~25k labelled images of cats and dogs; 22500 for training, 2000 for validation."

datasetThe entire dataset object

Delete dataset

datasetThe entire dataset object

Upload dataset logo

my_dataset = client.upload_dataset_logo(my_dataset["id"], folder="directory/to/logo", filename="logo_filename.jpg")
dataset_idUnique id for the dataset
folderName of the folder that contains the logo file (without trailing ‘/’), default value “data”
filenameName of the file to be uploaded, default value “logo.jpg”. Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, png.

Download dataset logo

modelThe entire model object

Dataset Versions

A dataset can have multiple versions.

Get all dataset versions

dataset_versions = client.get_dataset_versions(my_dataset["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id

Create dataset version

new_dataset_version = {
    "name": "v2",
    "description": "Even more images of dogs and cats"

new_dataset_version = client.create_dataset_version(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_versionThe dataset version object

Every dataset_version has the following properties:

    'id': 'd774d5bd-40fd-4c5f-8043-f1a8ed88e0d2',
    'created_at': '2021-11-02T13:17:29.24027517Z',
    'update_at': '2021-11-02T13:17:29.24027517Z',
    'name': 'v2',
    'description': 'Even more images of dogs and cats',
    'labels': None,
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'dataset_id': '2bb8b9c1-c027-44c2-b438-6d50911964bd',
    'splits': None,
    'default_split': '',
    'config': ''

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the dataset
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe dataset version name
descriptionThe dataset version description
user_idThe unique id of the dataset creator
labelsA list of the labels in this version
dataset_idThe id of the dataset this version belongs to
splitsA list of splits in this dataset version
default_splitThe id of split that will be shown by default
configVersion specific configuration

Get a dataset version

dataset_version = client.get_dataset_version(new_dataset_version["dataset_id"], new_dataset_version["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id

Update a dataset version

new_dataset_version["description"] = "Even more image of cats and dogs."

client.update_dataset_version(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_versionThe dataset version object

Delete a dataset version

client.delete_dataset_version(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_versionThe dataset version object

Dataset Splits

A dataset version can have multiple splits, usually separating training, validation and test data.

Get all splits

splits = client.get_dataset_splits(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id

Create a split

new_split = {
    "name": "train",
    "description": "training data for our model to learn from" 

new_split = client.create_dataset_split(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], new_split)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
splitThe split object

Every dataset split has the following properties:

    'id': '3faa6ddb-f5d6-4dda-92a9-beb383126072',
    'created_at': '2021-11-02T14:02:15.303555455Z',
    'updated_at': '2021-11-02T14:02:15.303555455Z',
    'name': 'train',
    'description': 'training data for our model to learn from',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'version_id': 'd774d5bd-40fd-4c5f-8043-f1a8ed88e0d2'

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the dataset split
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe dataset split name
descriptionThe dataset split description
user_idThe unique id of the dataset split creator
version_idThe unique id of the dataset version the split belongs to

Get a split

my_split = client.get_dataset_split(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], new_split["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
split_idThe split id

Update a split

my_split["description"] = "Training data"

client.update_dataset_split(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], my_split)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
splitThe split object

Delete a split

client.delete_dataset_split(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], my_split)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
splitThe split object

Dataset Labels

A dataset version can have multiple labels.

Get all labels

labels = client.get_dataset_labels(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id

Create a label

new_label = {
    "name": "Birds",
    "description": "Adding birds to the mix"

new_label = client.create_dataset_label(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], new_label)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
labelThe label object

Every dataset split has the following properties:

    'id': 'ea3be37d-ce48-44bc-4435-39d88a47a2d6',
    'created_at': '2021-11-02T14:24:06.187758716Z',
    'updated_at': '2021-11-02T14:24:06.187758716Z',
    'name': 'Birds',
    'description': 'Adding birds to the mix',
    'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
    'version_id': 'd774d5bd-40fd-4c5f-8043-f1a8ed88e0d2',
    'color': '',
    'index': 2

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the dataset split
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameThe dataset label name
descriptionThe dataset label description
user_idThe unique id of the dataset label creator
version_idThe unique id of the dataset label the split belongs to
colorThe hex code for the color to be used/associated with this label
indexMake sure we can always sort the labels in the same sequence (handled automatically)

Get a label

my_label = client.get_dataset_label(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], new_label["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
label_idThe label id

Update a label

my_label["color"] = "#00ff00"

my_label = client.update_dataset_label(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], my_label)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
labelThe label object

Delete a label

client.delete_dataset_label(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], my_label)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
labelThe label object

Dataset Items

A dataset version can contain many dataset items. Items are used to access and store the actual items in your dataset version such as images or text.

Get dataset items

items = client.get_dataset_items(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
paramsAdditional query parameters:
Default value: None
Accepted parameters:

pageSize: Integer value; Number of items to be returned. Default value: 10.
pageCount: Integer value: The number of the page you want to view.
onlyUnlabelled: Boolean: If True only return items that are not labelled/annotated.
labelId: string; Only return items that are labelled with this id.
splitId: string; Only return items that are part of this split.

# All params are optional, but here we combine them together for demo purposes. 
params = {
    "onlyUnlabelled": True,
    "pageSize": 25,
    "pageCount": 0,
    "labelId": new_label["id"],
    "splitId": my_split["id"]

client.get_dataset_items(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], params)

Create a dataset item

item = {
    "name": "An optional name",
    "splits": [my_split]

item = client.create_dataset_item(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
itemThe dataset item object

Every dataset item has the following properties:

     'id': 'e92dcc17-cbc2-4a1e-a332-4c62a3232ede',
     'created_at': '2021-11-02T16:07:15.88589873Z',
     'updated_at': '2021-11-02T16:07:15.88589873Z',
     'name': 'An optional name',
     'description': '',
     'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',
     'text': '',
     'splits': [],
     'annotations': None,
     'extension': ''

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id for the dataset item
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
nameAn optional name
descriptionThe dataset item description
user_idThe unique id of the dataset label creator
splitsThe list of dataset splits the dataset item belongs to
annotationsThe list of annotations for the dataset item
extensionThe extension for the dataset item.

Get a dataset item

item = client.get_dataset_item(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item["id"])
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
item_idThe dataset item id

Update a dataset item

item["description"] = "A better description"

client.update_dataset_item(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
itemThe dataset item object

Delete a dataset item

client.delete_dataset_item(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
itemThe dataset item object

Upload a dataset item image

client.upload_dataset_item_image(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item["id"], folder="directory/to/item", filename="item_filename.jpg")
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
itemThe dataset item object

Download a dataset item image

download_location = f"{item['id']}.{item['extension']}"

client.download_dataset_item_image(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], item["id"], download_location, thumbnail=False)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
item_idThe dataset item id
download_locationThe full location and filename of where to save the item image.
thumbnailFlag indicating whether to download the full image or its thumbnail.


Annotations link your dataset items to one or more labels in your dataset.

Create an annotation

Create an annotation with label_id, split_id, and item_id.

annotation = {
    "label_id": my_label["id"],
    "split_id": my_split["id"],
    "item_id": item["id"]

annotation = client.annotate(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], annotation)

Every annotation has the following properties:

     'id': 'e92dcc17-cbc2-4a1e-a332-4c62a3232ede',
     'created_at': '2021-11-02T16:07:15.88589873Z',
     'updated_at': '2021-11-02T16:07:15.88589873Z',
     'label_id': 'ecd4f023-d13f-440a-8b9c-c341edd2c28b',
     'item_id': 'dab56b75-387c-4660-989f-2b3f953772c4',
     'split_id': 'b2ccc18d-4dcc-475a-b1a9-a281e574f695',
     'coordinates': '',
     'user_id': 'd7159432-f218-44ac-aebe-e5d661d62862',

Properties in more detail:

idUnique id
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
label_idThe label ID the annotation belongs to
item_idThe dataset item ID the annotation belongs to
split_idThe dataset split ID the annotation belongs to
coordinatesThe coordinates of the annotation, used for object_detection and ner.
user_idThe unique id of the annotation creator

Update an annotation

Update a given annotation

annotation["coordinates"] = "14 20 34 48"

annotation = client.update_annotation(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], annotation)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
annotationThe annotation object

Delete an annotation

Delete a given annotation

client.delete_annotation(my_dataset["id"], new_dataset_version["id"], annotation)
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
annotationThe annotation object

Export Dataset Version

dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
split_id(Optional) Specify the split_id if you only want to download that dataset split.
extract_to_dirThe directory to extract to. Default value: “data”
download_fileThe name of the download file. Default value: “dataset.zip”
remove_download_fileFlag indicating whether to remove or keep the downloaded zip file. Default value: True (= remove)
export_formatThe format of your dataset.

A note on the exported formats.

Image classification


The .zip file contains a folder for every dataset split: “train”, “valid”, “test”.

Every dataset split folder contains a ’label-named’ folder for every label: “cats”, “dogs”.

Every label folder contains all the images of the dataset items for the given label in the given dataset split.

Dataset items are named by the “name” and “extension” property of the dataset item. If the “name” property is empty, the “id” is used to name the file.

Dataset items that have no label, will be added to the split folder to which they belong.

+-- train/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat1.jpg
|     +-- cat12.jpeg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog2.jpg
|     +-- dog4.png
|  +-- cat17.jpeg
|  +-- dog15.jpg
+-- valid/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat4.jpg
|     +-- cat8.jpg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog9.jpg
|     +-- dog14.png
+-- test/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat90.jpg
|     +-- cat34.jpeg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog81.jpg
|     +-- dog98.png

Text classification


The .zip file contains a folder for every dataset split: “train”, “test”, “unsup”.

Every dataset split folder contains a ’label-named’ folder for every label: “pos”, “neg”.

Every label folder contains all the images of the dataset items for the given label in the given dataset split.

Dataset items are named by the “name” and “extension” property of the dataset item. If the “name” property is empty, the “id” is used to name the file.

Dataset items that have no label, will be added to the split folder to which they belong.

+-- train/
|  +-- pos/
|     +-- 1.txt
|     +-- 3.txt
|  +-- neg/
|     +-- 2.txt
|     +-- 4.txt
+-- test/
|  +-- pos/
|     +-- 5.txt
|     +-- 7.txt
|  +-- neg/
|     +-- 6.txt
|     +-- 8.txt
+-- unsup/
|     +-- 13.txt
|     +-- 14.txt

Object detection

export_format: DATASET_FORMAT_YOLO

Object detection datasets are exported in YOLO v4 format.

For every dataset split a dataset_split_name.txt file gets created containing all the filenames for that dataset split.

Every dataset item will have an image and a txt file associated with it. The txt file contains a list of annotations in Yolo format: label_index relative_x relative_y relative_width relative_height.

The .names file contains the list of labels, where the index corresponds to the label_index in the annotation .txt files.

The config.json file contains a contains a json object with the color for every label.

+-- train.txt
+-- valid.txt
+-- test.txt
+-- 1.jpg
+-- 1.txt
+-- 3.jpg
+-- 3.txt
+-- ...
+-- `dataset_version_id`.names
+-- config.json


export_format: DATASET_FORMAT_CSV

Tabular datasets are exported in a .zip file that contains a dataset_version_id.csv file accompanied by a config.json, which provides more details on how the data should be interpreted.

+-- dataset_version_id.csv
+-- config.json

A little more details about the config.json file:

    "multi_label": false,
    "label_column": "labels",
    "split_column": "split",
    "label_separator": " ",
    "filename": "dataset_version_id.csv",
    "csv_separator": ","
multi_labelIs the dataset multi label?
label_columnThe column name that contains the labels
split_columnThe column name that contains the name of the split the row belongs to
label_separatorIf multi_label, use this separator to split the labels
filenameThe name of the .csv file that contains the data
csv_separatorUse this separator to split each row into columns

Named entity recognition


For an named entity recognition dataset with splits:

  • train
  • valid
  • test

the zip file should be structured in the following way:

+-- train.json
+-- valid.json
+-- test.json
+-- config.json

The config.json file contains a list of dataset splits, as well as a color code for every label.

    "splits": [
    "colors": {
        "label_name": "#82ebfd",
        "label_name2": "#e95211"

For every dataset split, there is a ‘split_name’.json file with the following structure:

        "id": "the_dataset_item_id",
        "name": "the_original_filename" ,
        "text": "The textual content of the file that has been annotated.",
        "annotations": [{
            "start": 4,
            "end": 11,
            "label": "label_name",

Import Dataset Version

Image classification


For an image classification dataset with splits:

  • train
  • valid
  • test

and labels:

  • cats
  • dogs

the zip file should be structured in the following way

+-- train/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat1.jpg
|     +-- cat12.jpeg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog2.jpg
|     +-- dog4.png
|  +-- cat17.jpeg
|  +-- dog15.jpg
+-- valid/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat4.jpg
|     +-- cat8.jpg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog9.jpg
|     +-- dog14.png
+-- test/
|  +-- cats/
|     +-- cat90.jpg
|     +-- cat34.jpeg
|  +-- dogs/
|     +-- dog81.jpg
|     +-- dog98.png

Text classification

For an text classification dataset with splits:

  • train
  • valid
  • unsup

and labels:

  • pos
  • neg

the zip file should be structured in the following way

+-- train/
|  +-- pos/
|     +-- 1.txt
|     +-- 3.txt
|  +-- neg/
|     +-- 2.txt
|     +-- 4.txt
+-- test/
|  +-- pos/
|     +-- 5.txt
|     +-- 7.txt
|  +-- neg/
|     +-- 6.txt
|     +-- 8.txt
+-- unsup/
|     +-- 13.txt
|     +-- 14.txt

Object detection


Object detection datasets are imported in YOLO format.

For every dataset split a dataset_split_name.txt file gets created containing all the filenames for that dataset split.

Every dataset item will have an image and a txt file associated with it. The txt file contains a list of annotations in Yolo format: label_index relative_x relative_y relative_width relative_height.

The .names file contains the list of labels, where the index corresponds to the label_index in the annotation .txt files.

The config.json file contains a contains a json object with the color for every label.

+-- train.txt
+-- valid.txt
+-- test.txt
+-- 1.jpg
+-- 1.txt
+-- 3.jpg
+-- 3.txt
+-- ...
+-- dataset_version_id.names
+-- config.json



Tabular datasets are imported from .csv files accompanied by a config.json file that provides more details on how the data should be interpreted.

+-- dataset.csv
+-- config.json
Config file

A little more details about the config.json file:

    "multi_label": false,
    "label_column": "labels",
    "split_column": "split",
    "label_separator": " ",
    "filename": "dataset.csv",
    "csv_separator": ","
multi_labelIs the dataset multi label?
label_columnThe column name that contains the labels
split_columnThe column name that contains the name of the split the row belongs to
label_separatorIf multi_label, use this separator to split the labels
filenameThe name of the .csv file that contains the data
csv_separatorUse this separator to split each row into columns

Named entity recognition


For an named entity recognition dataset with splits:

  • train
  • valid
  • test

the zip file should be structured in the following way:

+-- train.json
+-- valid.json
+-- test.json
+-- config.json

The config.json file contains a list of dataset splits, as well as a color code for every label.

    "splits": [
    "colors": {
        "label_name": "#82ebfd",
        "label_name2": "#e95211"

For every dataset split, there is a ‘split_name’.json file with the following structure:

    "id": "the_dataset_item_id",
    "name": "the_original_filename" ,
    "text": "The textual content of the file that has been annotated.",
    "annotations": [{
        "start": 4,
        "end": 11,
        "label": "label_name",
dataset_idThe dataset id
dataset_version_idThe dataset version id
folderThe folder that contains the .zip file. Default value: “data”
filenameThe name of the upload file. Default value: “dataset.zip”
formatThe format of your dataset.


Get all jobs


jobs = client.get_jobs(

This method returns a list of job objects with the following properties:

    'id': '26cb7e7a-25a0-4faa-8e3a-d9ee2f0d0c71',
    'created_at': '2022-09-20T21:32:53.561561+02:00',
    'updated_at': '2022-09-21T00:48:10.614159+02:00',
    'name': 'Cats and dogs classification',
    'description': '',
    'job_type': 'training',
    'application_id': '10b957dd-5dfe-49b0-a500-61bb8f6564c6',
    'status': 'finished',
    'status_message': 'updating training request: finished',
    'user_id': '2b02eb44-8ad0-409c-9515-0405fb25d470',
    'cpu_start_time': '2022-09-20T19:37:42.461233',
    'cpu_end_time': '2022-09-20T22:48:10.610324',
    'gpu_start_time': '2022-09-20T19:38:19.492219',
    'gpu_end_time': '2022-09-20T22:47:22.688223',
    'agent_name': 'g7',
    'dataset_id': '8037b73a-5512-4a45-89e2-29761771fff6',
    'dataset_version_id': '1d3bf8d6-e39b-498e-9c08-680d2f8a3c47',
    'model_id': '010f68fe-87d6-418a-a622-d37923ec7164',
    'model_version_id': '82e31602-79ea-4cc2-971a-0baee4c0fbd7',
    'items': [{
        'id': '8493abc5-da89-4842-9406-c4914e2917c3',
        'created_at': '2022-09-20T21:32:53.562095+02:00',
        'updated_at': '2022-09-21T00:48:10.614535+02:00',
        'name': 'arch',
        'description': 'resnet50',
        'job_id': '26cb7e7a-25a0-4faa-8e3a-d9ee2f0d0c71',
        'value': 'resnet50',
        'default_value': 'resnet50',
        'value_type': 'text',
        'label': 'Architecture'
    }, {
        'id': 'aaae29eb-315e-407b-9f7b-d25eb11ce902',
        'created_at': '2022-09-20T21:32:53.562095+02:00',
        'updated_at': '2022-09-21T00:48:10.614535+02:00',
        'name': 'image_size',
        'description': '',
        'job_id': '26cb7e7a-25a0-4faa-8e3a-d9ee2f0d0c71',
        'value': '224',
        'default_value': '224',
        'value_type': 'number',
        'label': 'Image size'
    }, {
        'id': 'a582644b-31f7-421e-86f2-54dc6ddb9e0b',
        'created_at': '2022-09-20T21:32:53.562095+02:00',
        'updated_at': '2022-09-21T00:48:10.614535+02:00',
        'name': 'batch_size',
        'description': '',
        'job_id': '26cb7e7a-25a0-4faa-8e3a-d9ee2f0d0c71',
        'value': '32',
        'default_value': '32',
        'value_type': 'number',
        'label': 'Batch size'
    }, {
        'id': 'c1d6291a-1bd4-477d-a425-132cb2422f8f',
        'created_at': '2022-09-20T21:32:53.562095+02:00',
        'updated_at': '2022-09-21T00:48:10.614535+02:00',
        'name': 'nb_epochs',
        'description': '',
        'job_id': '26cb7e7a-25a0-4faa-8e3a-d9ee2f0d0c71',
        'value': '50',
        'default_value': '50',
        'value_type': 'number',
        'label': 'Number of epochs'

Job properties in more detail.

idUnique id for the application
nameName of your model (version)
descriptionDescribe the job you are running
job_typeThe type of the job. Default: JOB_TYPE_TRAINING (“training”)
application_idThe application id of the job. (see applications
status_messageMore information about the status of your job, gets updated by the agent handling the job.
user_idThe id of the user that requested the job.
cpu_start_timeThe CPU compute starting time.
cpu_end_timeThe CPU compute end time.
gpu_start_timeThe GPU compute starting time.
gpu_end_timeThe GPU compute end time.
agent_nameThe agent responsible for handling the job.
dataset_idThe id of the dataset being used.
dataset_version_idThe id of the dataset version being used.
model_idThe id of the model the finished job will be added to. If left blank upon job creation, a new model will be created, and its id will be updated in this property.
model_version_idThe id of the model version the job resulted in. Leave blank upon job creation. The property will/should be updated after uploading the model.
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
itemsA list of job specific steps and settings.

Job Item in more detail:

idUnique id for the application
nameName of your model (version)
descriptionDescribe the job you are running
job_idThe job id it belongs to
valueThe item value
default_valueThe item default value
value_typeThe type of the item value: text or number
labelThe label for the item
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date

Create a job

Create a training job:

from seeme import JOB_TYPE_TRAINING

my_job = {
    "name": "Train a new model for cats and dogs",
    "description": "",
    "job_type": JOB_TYPE_TRAINING, # "training"
    "application_id": "acf26cf4-e19f-425e-b5cb-031830a46df4", # See Applications to get the correct application_id for your job
    "dataset_id": "8037b73a-5512-4a45-89e2-29761771fff6", # Update to your dataset_id
    "dataset_version_id": "1d3bf8d6-e39b-498e-9c08-680d2f8a3c47", # Update to your dataset_version_id
    "items": [
            "name": "image_size",
            "value": "224",
            "value_type": "number",
            "label": "Image Size"
            "name": "arch",
            "value": "resnet50",
            "value_type": "text",
            "label": "Architecture"
            "name": "batch_size",
            "value": "50",
            "value_type": "number",
            "label": "Batch size"

my_job = client.create_job(my_job)

Supported job items per applications

Every job item can be customised depending on the AI application you are using. Below we list all the possibilties per AI application.

Image classification


job_item = {
    "name": "arch",
    "value": "resnet50",
    "value_type": "text",
    "label": "Architecture"

Image size:

job_item = {
    "name": "image_size",
    "value": "224",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Image Size"

Image resize:

job_item = {
    "name": "image_resize",
    "value": "460",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Image Resize"

Batch size:

job_item = {
    "name": "batch_size",
    "value": "32",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Batch Size"

Number of epochs:

job_item = {
    "name": "nb_epochs",
    "value": "50",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Number of epochs"

Mix up %:

job_item = {
    "name": "mixup",
    "value": "0",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Mix up %"


job_item = {
    "name": "seed",
    "value": "12",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Seed"

Object detection


job_item = {
    "name": "arch",
    "value": "yolov4-tiny",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Architecture"

Image size:

job_item = {
    "name": "image_size",
    "value": "416",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Image Size"

Batch size:

job_item = {
    "name": "batch_size",
    "value": "64",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Batch Size"


job_item = {
    "name": "subdivisions",
    "value": "8",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Subdivisions"

Named entity recognition (NER)


job_item = {
    "name": "language",
    "value": "en",
    "value_type": "text",
    "label": "Language"

Optimize for:

job_item = {
    "name": "optimize",
    "value": "accuracy",
    "value_type": "multi",
    "label": "Optimize for"


Fast.ai Tabular


job_item = {
    "name": "arch",
    "value": "[200 - 100]",
    "value_type": "text",
    "label": "Architecture"

Batch size:

job_item = {
    "name": "batch_size",
    "value": "32",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Batch Size"

Number of epochs:

job_item = {
    "name": "nb_epochs",
    "value": "50",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Number of epochs"

Minimal feature importance (%):

job_item = {
    "name": "min_feat_importance",
    "value": "0",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Minimal feature importance (%)"

Add info:

job_item = {
    "name": "add_info",
    "value": True,
    "value_type": "boolean",
    "label": "Add info"


job_item = {
    "name": "booster",
    "value": "gbtree", # "gbtree", "dart", "gblinear"
    "value_type": "multi",
    "label": "Booster"

Nb Estimators:

job_item = {
    "name": "nb_estimators",
    "value": "100",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Nb Estimators"

Max depth:

job_item = {
    "name": "max_depth",
    "value": "6",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Number of epochs"

Learning rate (eta):

job_item = {
    "name": "learning_rate",
    "value": "0.3",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Learning rate (eta)"

Subsample (0 - 1):

job_item = {
    "name": "subsample",
    "value": "0.5",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Subsample (0 - 1)"

Minimal feature importance (%):

job_item = {
    "name": "min_feat_importance",
    "value": "0",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Minimal feature importance (%)"

Add info:

job_item = {
    "name": "add_info",
    "value": True,
    "value_type": "boolean",
    "label": "Add info"

Nb Estimators:

job_item = {
    "name": "nb_estimators",
    "value": "100",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Nb Estimators"

Learning rate:

job_item = {
    "name": "learning_rate",
    "value": "0.1",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Learning rate"

Minimal feature importance (%):

job_item = {
    "name": "min_feat_importance",
    "value": "0",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Minimal feature importance (%)"

Add info:

job_item = {
    "name": "add_info",
    "value": True,
    "value_type": "boolean",
    "label": "Add info"

Boosting Type:

job_item = {
    "name": "booster",
    "value": "gbdt", # "gbdt", "dart", "rf"
    "value_type": "multi",
    "label": "Boosting Type"

Nb Estimators:

job_item = {
    "name": "nb_estimators",
    "value": "100",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Nb Estimators"

Max depth:

job_item = {
    "name": "max_depth",
    "value": "-1",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Number of epochs"

Learning rate:

job_item = {
    "name": "learning_rate",
    "value": "0.1",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Learning rate"

Max number of leaves:

job_item = {
    "name": "num_leaves",
    "value": "31",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Max number of leaves"

Minimal feature importance (%):

job_item = {
    "name": "min_feat_importance",
    "value": "0",
    "value_type": "number",
    "label": "Minimal feature importance (%)"

Add info:

job_item = {
    "name": "add_info",
    "value": True,
    "value_type": "boolean",
    "label": "Add info"

Get a job

my_job = client.get_job(my_job["id"])

Update a job

my_job["description"] = "Update any property"

my_job = client.update_job(my_job)

Delete a job



SeeMe.ai supports multiple types of AI models, frameworks, and framework versions. To access, manage, and describe these, we use applications:

Get all supported applications

Print a list of the applications in your SeeMe.ai client:


Every application has the following properties:

    'id': '878aea66-16b7-4f10-9d82-a2a92a35728a',
    'created_at': '2022-09-19T17:57:14.323965Z',
    'updated_at': '2021-09-19T17:57:14.323965Z',
    'base_framework': 'pytorch',
    'base_framework_version': '1.12.1',
    'framework': 'fastai',
    'framework_version': '2.7.9',
    'application': 'image_classification',
    'inference_host': 'image-pt-1-12-1-fa-2-7-9',
    'can_convert_to_onnx': True,
    'can_convert_to_coreml': True,
    'can_convert_to_tensorflow': True,
    'can_convert_to_tflite': True,
    'has_labels_file': True,
    'inference_extensions': 'pkl'

Properties in more detail.

idUnique id for the application
created_atThe creation date
updated_atLast updated date
frameworkThe framework used to train the model
framework_versionThe framework version used to train the model
base_frameworkThe base framework used by the framework
base_framework_versionThe base framework version used by the framework
applicationThe type of application: “image_classification”, “object_detection”, “text_classification”, “structured”.
inference_hostThe internal host of the inference engine (if not used at the edge)
can_convert_to_onnxFlag indicating whether uploaded models can automatically be converted to ONNX
can_convert_to_coremlFlag indicating whether uploaded models can automatically be converted to Core ML
can_convert_to_tensorflowFlag indicating whether uploaded models can automatically be converted to Tensorflow (mostly for further conversion to Tensorflow Lite for example)
can_convert_to_tfliteFlag indicating whether uploaded models can automatically be converted to Tensorflow Lite
has_labels_fileFlag indicating whether there is file with all the labels available
inference_extensionsThe list of files with these extensions that need to be uploaded before the model can perform predictions/inferences.

You can update the local list of applications by:

client.applications = client.get_applications()

Get the application id

Before you can upload and use your model to make predictions, you need to add an application_id:

from torch import __version__ as torch_version
from fastai import __version__ as fastai_version

# Get the application_id for your framework (version).
application_id = client.get_application_id(

If your combination is not supported, you will get a NotImplementedError.


For questions, feedback, corrections: contact support@seeme.ai.